Types of Nose Piercings

The culture of nose piercing is becoming more normalized in our society. A range of possibilities has been increasing within nose piercings, designing all variants.

Each of them attends to some care and considerations worth reviewing. Now, not only does the so-called nostril predominates, but the septum or the bridge has become increasingly relevant.

That is why, in this One HOW TO object, we will tell you about the types of nose piercing and how to take care of them so that you are aware of everything when it comes to getting the piercing you like the most. So it is a pleasant and healthy experience for your body.

  • Nostril – Nose Piercings

The nostril nose piercing is one of the most classic of all the piercings that people usually do. It consists of piercing one of the sides of the cartilage that makes up the nostrils, being able to choose to put a hoop-shaped earring or another with a serpentine shape in which only a tiny ball or diamond will expos.

The nostril is not one of the most complicated piercings; inside the nose, it usually has the best results with time and good care. However, being cartilage, healing is slow, and it can take up to 3 months to be healthy. It should do cleaning with saline water or neutral soap, and an attempt should make to keep the nostrils clean and unobstructed.

  • Septa – Nose Piercings

Another type of nose piercing is the septum, which has become fashionable in recent years. It pierces the thin skin between the nostrils and the nasal septum junction.

This layer of skin is skinny but in a susceptible area and is usually painful when doing it and during the first care. Despite having a more hidden side of ​​the nose than other piercings, it is generally in constant movement when speaking, moving the upper lip, or cleaning the nose.

The septum can take up to 6 months to heal; the first five weeks are essential for it to heal correctly, and abscesses will not generate. It should be cleaned several times daily with serum or neutral soap, and be careful not to touch or move the earring.

  •  Nasallang – Nose Piercings

From the outside, it may seem like two independent piercings, but the unique thing about this piercing is that it is three holes in one since the earring goes through the inside of the nose, having an entry hole and an exit hole.

This intense requires a lot of care and can be pretty painful in the first few weeks since you will have to heal the external piercings and the central internal one. The primary care consists of cleaning the exterior with the help of neutral soap and helping yourself with swabs or nasal diffusers with saline solution for the interior wound.

They usually have revenue up to 6 months to heal completely. However, if you want to know more, check out our article How long does it take to close the nose piercing.

  • Bridge – Nose Piercings

The type of bridge nose piercing has become more popular over time and is now more common than you think. It is considered a nose piercing between the eyes at the beginning of the nasal septum. However, the cartilage and septum are not involved in this type of piercing, so healing is usually faster.

It is not one of the most painful piercings; it heals in 8 weeks. However, like other similar piercings, such as the navel, it is essential that there is not a lot of moisture or sweat condensing and that the area is always clean with a neutral soap with gentle touches.

  • Rhinoceros

The name of this piercing has to do with the appearance that it resembles a rhinoceros’s horn. And it is that this type of rhino nose piercing crosses the tip of the nose vertically, resulting in two small balls of jacks that give the sensation of a horn.

It is a very unusual piercing that requires a lot of care since healing is prolonged. In addition, for at least three months, you must perform daily maintenance to prevent your nose from rejecting the piece since it is a relatively deep and painful perforation.

  • Septril – Nose Piercing

In this list of types of piercing, the septal could not be missing, which goes one step further. To do this, you must have previously made a dilation in the septum since the piercing will pierce the union of the nostrils and will come out with the perforation hole.

It is a piercing that should not be more painful than a type of nostril piercing. However, all the previous preparation makes it complex and requires a lot of care before and after. It can even take years to achieve a correct dilation to be able to do it.

  • Austin Bar – Nose Piercing

Among the different types of piercing, this one is very similar to the Rhino but with the peculiarity that the earring bar is horizontal; that is, it crosses the tip of the nose. Furthermore, it is usually an unusual piercing since it will place elongated and superficial; the body usually rejects it.

Even so, if the physiognomy of your nose allows it, it is a perforation that requires a lot of care, making sure that it is always clean and that no pressure is generated in any of the holes, thanks to regular washing for at least two months. Total healing will take between 5 to 6 months.

If this article on types of nose piercings and how to take care of them has been helpful to you, but you need the advice to cure an infection, we recommend you consult our post How to fix an infected nose piercing.