How Long Does It Take To Dye Hair: Do you love colouring the wires but never know the correct date for the root touch-up? From All Things Hair, we will answer one of the most frequent questions in the colouring world: “How often can I dye my hair?”. Learn all about this question that haunts many women.

If you are from the group of women who are permanently dyeing their hair, have you ever asked someone this question: How often can I dye my hair ?”. After all, keeping coloured threads impeccable is necessary to choosing the right colouring time to avoid spoiling the lines. Also, if you’re not a fan of natural or smoky roots, you’ll want to know the answer to this question.

Our hair grows 1 centimetre per month, totalling 12 centimetres a year. But in some cases, some people have a faster or slower growth rate.

However, it will recommend that both of you wait between 15 and 45 days to dye your hair. We suggest that:

Every 15 days: women with accelerated grey hair growth.

Every 25 days: a period when the natural strands are more evident at the root.

Every 45 days: fans of colourations with gradient effect and the most natural source.

Is it safe to dye your hair more than once? On The Same Day?

Some women do not respect the interval for colouring their hair and opt for a short period to apply a new colour. However, this action can make the wires more porous and even brittle. In some cases, a dangerous chemical cut can happen — a phenomenon that occurs when the strands receive incompatible chemicals, causing hair loss and breakage. If you don’t want to risk severe damage, it’s best to avoid it.

Tips And Care Before And After Colouring

Before dyeing your hair:

  • Avoid washing your hair for at least two days to allow the natural oils to preserve the strands. from the dye’s chemicals.
  • Moisturize in the weeks before colouring to make your hair healthy and strong.
  • Do not use thermal devices before passing the ink on the wires; prefer the natural state of the fibres.

After dyeing your hair:

  • Change the shampoo, conditioner, and mask line to specific products for chemically coloured hair.
  • Do not wash your hair dye with heated water to avoid colour fading.
  • Always use capillary sunscreen to prevent the sun’s rays from changing your hair dye

How Long Does It Take To Dye Hair  Brunette Last?

About going to the salon, the “illuminated brunette” is one of the most straightforward styles to maintain, as you can go more than three months without needing touch-ups since what is impacted by lighter hair dye are the length and ends.

What Is The Difference Between Lights And Lit Morena?

What is the difference between lights and lit brunette? While the lit brunette is a more subtle change, as they are slightly lighter shades than the natural colour of the wires. In addition, highlights are made from locks at the root to waves at the ends, occupying a large part of the hair.

Why Apply Hair Dye At Home?


Here I will share some hair colour tips and tricks for using hair dye at home. If you are trying this for the first time and are hesitant to dye your hair dye at home, give it a try. Trust me, you can do professional hair colour at home. This is truly your gift. Hair colouring at home is easy and affordable. It is also very convenient as you do not have to plan it.

If you want to follow some hair colour trends and give a new look to your hair colour in the middle of the night, choose Godrej Expert hair dye and apply hair dye at home, and you

To make belongings even easier, I’ve compiled a comprehensive list of what to do with hair dye at home. We hope this alleviates your concerns and encourages you to experiment with hair colour at home.

Preparations before you start using hair dye at home

  • Choose a safe hair colour
  • Choose an easy-to-wear hair colour
  • Choose the right shade from the Hair Colour Shade Card
  • Skin Hypersensitivity Test
  • Wear old clothes.
  • Keep your tools ready
  • How to colour hair at home
  • Prepare your hair
  • Section your hair
  • Avoid stains on the skin
  • Use a hairbrush to start colouring
  • Paint the back of your head
  • Keep the timer
  • Wear a shower cap
  • Clean up
  • Avoid hard water and shampoos