Acanthosis Nigricans – Treatment of diabetes (or other underlying cause) often lightens the skin. Light brown or black patches of skin may be a sign of acanthosis nigricans. This treatable skin condition is not contagious and is not dangerous. However, it could be a sign of diabetes, so talk to your healthcare provider.

Acanthosis nigricans is the term for dry, dark skin patches that usually appear on the armpits, neck, or groin. Also, this could be a sign of an underlying condition and should be checked by your GP.

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What Is Acanthosis Nigricans?

This skin condition produces light brown to black patches. It often occurs in healthy people, but it can sometimes be a sign of an underlying condition. The marks look like stains or stains that you think can be removed. However, washing does not remove (AN).

Where Does Acanthosis Nigricans Occur?

The characteristic velvety markings of akin-THO-sis NIH-grin-cans can appear anywhere on the body. They often occur in skin folds on the neck, armpits, groin, and under the chest.

Is Acanthosis Nigricans Dangerous?

Although the condition is not harmful, it can be a sign of an underlying condition that requires treatment. Talk to your healthcare provider if you see any unusual marks or discoloration on your skin. Your provider or dermatologist (dermatologist) will examine the type of treatment you need.

Who Gets Acanthosis Nigricans?

Anyone, including healthy people, can develop acanthosis nigricans. You may be at advanced risk of getting this condition if you:

  • You are overweight or obese.
  • There is a family history of AN.
  • Native American, African, West Indian, or Hispanic origin.
  • The skin is dark.

How Common Is Acanthosis Nigricans?

It is a rare disease. Researchers don’t know how often this happens in the United States. However, a study of obese adults found that at least 50% of people with twice their ideal weight had signs of acanthosis.

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What Are The Causes Of Acanthosis Nigricans?

AN can have many causes, including:

  • Conditions associated with high blood insulin levels include obesity, prediabetes, or diabetes.
  • Congenital cause, which means you were born with this condition.
  • Genetics if a family member also has AN.
  • Certain medications, such as birth control pills or steroids.
  • Hormonal conditions include thyroid disease, Addison’s disease, hypothyroidism, or other pituitary disorders.
  • Growth hormone therapy.

Symptoms of AN tend to develop slowly. Rarely, if symptoms progress rapidly, they can be a sign of cancer.

What Are The Symptoms Of Acanthosis Nigricans?

Signs of this skin condition include:

  • Brown or black skin patches.
  • Velvet touch skin.
  • Skin tag.
  • Nausea skin patch.

Symptoms tend to appear slowly over months or years. If these signs appear suddenly, consult a dermatologist. It could be a sign of cancer.

Acanthosis Nigricans Treatment

Once your GP knows the cause of it, they can recommend the best treatment. Once the cause is treated, the patch should go away over time. If you are very overweight, your GP may recommend weight loss. Depending on the cause, we may also recommend:

  • Hormone balancing drugs
  • Drugs that balance insulin levels
  • Change to a drug that doesn’t cause patches

There is no specific treatment for the patch itself. Although your dermatologist (dermatologist) can suggest treatments to improve your appearance, it’s usually better to find and treat the cause first.


Acanthosis nigricans is a skin disorder that may be treated and creates dark areas on your body. It is frequently (but not always) a symptom of prediabetes or diabetes. Consult your doctor to see whether you have an underlying issue causing your AN. A healthcare specialist can assist you in obtaining therapy to help you eliminate the marks and feel and look your best.

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